BLOG: Homecare: Adjusting your skincare regime with the changing seasons

As the seasons change and the weather fluctuates, our skin often experiences different challenges. Drier in winter and more oily in summer, our skincare needs change with nature's cycle. Adapting your skincare routines to these changes is crucial to maintaining healthy, radiant skin. How important is it to adapt your skincare regime to the changing seasons? Some practical tips for at home.

The impact of seasonal changes on your skin.

The shift in seasons brings changes in temperature, humidity and environmental factors, which can significantly affect our skin. During winter, colder temperatures and indoor heating systems deplete moisture in our skin, leading to dehydration, flaking and increased sensitivity. On the other hand, summer often has higher humidity, more exposure to ultra-violet rays and excessive sweating, resulting in oiliness, blemishes and sun damage.

Why you need to adjust your skincare routine:

Hydration and hydration:

During the colder months, it is crucial to prioritise hydration and moisturising to combat dehydration. Switching to richer, more nourishing creams and using moisturising serums and oils in your routine can help replenish lost moisture and protect your skin barrier. Instead, as the weather gets warmer, you can opt for lighter, oil-free hydrating creams and sprays to prevent clogged pores and maintain a freshly balanced complexion.

Sun protection:

Regardless of the season, it is essential to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. However, as the intensity of the sun increases in summer, it is vital to strengthen your sun protection. Switch to a higher SPF sunscreen, preferably broad-spectrum, and apply it generously to protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. In addition, remember to wear protective clothing and accessories, such as wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses, to minimise sun damage.

Targeted treatments:

Certain skin problems can worsen or manifest differently with seasonal changes. Acne and pimples, for example, can flare up due to increased humidity and sweat production in summer, while skin sensitivity and dryness can become more pronounced in winter. By adjusting your skincare routine, you can introduce targeted treatments, such as acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid or soothing products like aloe vera, to address these specific problems.


Exfoliating is an important step in any skincare routine, but the type and frequency of exfoliation should vary by season. In winter, when dryness is a common problem, opt for gentle exfoliants that remove dead skin cells without affecting natural skin oils. For example, with an enzymatic peel.

As summer approaches, you can increase the frequency of exfoliating to combat oiliness and clogged pores, but remember to choose products suitable for your skin type and avoid excessive exfoliation, which can lead to irritation or inflammation. Personalised advice from your skin specialist is in order here.

Oxidant protection:

Environmental factors, such as pollution and free radicals, can damage skin health and accelerate ageing. Through antioxidant-rich products, you can protect your skin from these harmful elements. Vitamin C serums, green tea extracts, resveratrol and niacinamide are examples of powerful antioxidants that can help neutralise free radicals. And not only from outside but also through your diet, you would be wise to get enough antioxidants.

Practical tips for adapting your skincare regime:

Assess your skin's needs:
Observe how your skin behaves and feels as the seasons change. Do you experience dryness, oiliness or sensitivity? By identifying these changes, you can determine what adjustments are needed in your skincare routine.

Gradual transition:
Avoid making sudden, drastic changes to your skincare routine. Instead, introduce new products step by step or gradually adjust existing ones. This will allow your skin to adapt and avoid any side effects.

Consult a specialist:
If you are unsure about the right skincare adjustments for your skin, consider consulting a specialist. They can make personalised recommendations based on your skin type and needs. You can find a list of these skin professionals in your area here.

Stay hydrated:
Maintaining hydration is crucial for healthy skin, regardless of the season. Drink enough water throughout the day to hydrate your skin and body from within.

Protect your lips and eyes:
Also remember to pay extra attention to sensitive areas like your neck, lips and the skin around your eyes.

Remember that your skin is your largest organ; so taking care of your skin is not a luxury, but a long-term investment!

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