BLOG: Relax Yourself Beautiful!

The subject of sleeping and relaxing is a hot topic. Read some studies and you will read that no less than 63% of the Dutch population is not satisfied with the quality of sleep and the percentage that indicates that they have stress is even higher. Not sleeping well, not relaxing properly, a malfunction in the biological clock, it all comes down to the same thing. Maybe you used to sleep like a rose and relaxed life was very normal for you, because of age, fluctuations in hormones, medicines, stress, outside noises and so on, your sleep rhythm can be disturbed.

Imagine what better sleep will bring you. A well-rested look when you get up, more focus during the day – you simply function better – and a whole host of benefits. Such as a hormone balance that is more balanced, more regularity in the biorhythm and a metabolism that is less disturbed. Trend watchers say that relaxation and good sleep are the new forms of luxury.

Circadian was developed with this in mind; three products that provide an upgrade in sleep quality and for more relaxation and focus. It consists of a cream (apply to face and hands in the evening), capsules (take at the end of the day or an hour before bedtime) and a stick (put open by your bed so that the lavender scent calms you and provides a deeper sleep). Anyone who knows Pascaud knows that this fits exactly with the beauty triangle in which inner, outer and zen beauty are in balance and reinforce each other.


Now you may be wondering what the name Circadian means. Very simple; the circadian rhythm is the biological rhythm of the skin and based on the natural way our body reacts to light and dark. This means that your skin undergoes physical changes every 24 hours, such as changes in sebum production, moisture balance, pH value and skin temperature. During the day our body cells are in 'protection mode' and at night our skin goes into 'recovery mode'. By responding with products to these biological processes in a certain time block, you influence the rhythm and benefit from this for 24 hours.


Circadian insideoutbeauty outsideinbeauty skincare zenbeauty

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